Photographers Research

Taking an image, freezing a moment reveals how rich reality truly is and how precious it is to live in the moment. Photography is capturing the memories so we can share in the beauty of our experiences with others allowing them to know and meet the bueaty within all of us.

Nick Knight’s work appeals to me because of how he choose to work with people from all race and gender, his work shows diversity and inclusion.

He also work with nature, colour and embrace his indiviluty which is evident in his work.

Learning to use illustration?

Even though I enjoyed using illustration at first more than photoshop, I still find them both challenging. Learning to use words with images to tell stories and to create time map in the form of magazines, books or posters was a change from what I am used to.

But, I am making the most of it, embracing these new mile stones during my journey of developing my creative skills and being able to create designs using technology.

Illustration is a more direct way of getting the attention and focus on the main point, while demonstrating something clearly using attention grabbing images, font size, colours to lighten or enhance the reader moods.

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